
Welcome to the ISDE5 PBwiki!

 To Make or Edit a Page, use the Edit Password (at right)




What is a Wiki For?


A Wiki is Immediately Updateable


  information that is very new, or has just occurred to you, fits well on a Page



A Wiki is Collaborative


  more than one pair of hands and eyes, more than one knowledge base, more than one collection of links



A Wiki is a Web Page


  Links, Links, Links.. a collection of links is worth more than a single link,

giving context, contrast, supplemental information....



You can make a Page with a Profile of You, a Project, an Idea, a Company

  the substance of that page supports and refines its subject. At the least, just post a link to a more complete site.



This site is Fast and Informal.. made to get the word out. As Ward Cunningham says, its the Information that counts.


PBWiki IntroTutorial



Get Involved:  Here is a List of Places Where Change is Taking Place and Where You Can Apply Your Skills.




Looking to Serve:  Here is a List of People Wanting to Apply Their Skills and Their Resumes.



Inspiring Quotes, Isms and Ideas from ISDE5



Our 3 Outcomes  <-- (not sure where this comes from)


          1. To reignite my passion for pursuing insurmountable odds. 

          2. To meet 10 new people and gain insight into how they are impacting my life. 

          3. Confirm how little I know and absorb as much new knowledge as possible from truly inspiring people in 5 short days. 


Sites To Explore


Planet Under Pressure "A look at the problems facing the Earth's environment "-  a series of short videos on the website  

One Laptop Per Child What the MIT $100 Laptop has evolved into--the OLPC XO computer is going into at least eight countries in 2007-2008. 

Earth Treasury Going beyond OLPC to include environmental mapping and many other programs in education, science, economic development, and giving a billion children and their communities a voice in the global conversation.



Books & Movies That Will Inspire & Educate You





moved to the MediaCoverage link in the SideBar